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Round 1Matchday 2FansScore- 1984-10-06USA Netherlands Antili 10' 7184:0 (0:0)
- 1984-08-29GuyanaSuriname 1:1 (1:0)
- 1984-08-07Haiti Antigua and Barbuda 1' 5761:2 (1:1)
- 1984-08-05Puerto Riko Salvador 0:3 (0:2)
- 1984-06-24Honduras Panama 38' 0001:0 (0:0)
Matchday 1FansScore- 1984-09-29Netherlands Antili USA 6' 1090:0 (0:0)
- 1984-08-15SurinameGuyana 1:0 (1:0)
- 1984-08-04Antigua and Barbuda Haiti 2' 7660:4 (0:2)
- 1984-07-29Salvador Puerto Riko 23' 3335:0 (4:0)
- 1984-06-15Panama Honduras 0:3 (0:2)
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